Monday, November 12, 2012

The belated birthday gift

Better late than never was the mantra of this project.  The yarn was given to me in July with the purse request...which turned into a supposed birthday present in August...which languished knit-but-not-yet-lined in my pile of orphan projects until today.  Sewing is not my strong suit, but the purse came out well overall.

The Sock Yarn Handbag was an interesting design.  It is knit flat: four triangles, a rectangular middle section, and then four more triangles.  Sewing it together, you get an interesting mitered square look which really shows off the yarn.  The designer has a good step-by-step tutorial.

The lining included two pockets, which were held back when I unraveled the sweater for the grey yarn.

Per my gracious patron's request, I also added included a key loop.

I'd like to knit more purses in the future.  I could definitely use the sewing practice!

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