I've been doing quite a bit of knitting while on travel, but since I'm partial to lace and I don't have a great way to block I've just been accumulating a bag of mostly finished projects. My latest is a great example.
Bubblemania is a simple little pattern. The burnt orange alpaca is just so soft and airy. About halfway through I decided to turn it into an infinity scarf, but I don't want to graft the ends together until its blocked. Maybe one day if I get motivated I'll get some straight pins from the store. Until then, the mostly finished objects will continue to pile up.
Bubblemania is a simple little pattern. The burnt orange alpaca is just so soft and airy. About halfway through I decided to turn it into an infinity scarf, but I don't want to graft the ends together until its blocked. Maybe one day if I get motivated I'll get some straight pins from the store. Until then, the mostly finished objects will continue to pile up.