Sunday, August 26, 2012


I've been quiet lately as I've been working on a few secret projects.  However, I just love the way this one is knitting up so I thought I'd share a quick pic.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

8 of 12: Royal Reading Wrap

Number 8 of my grand 2012 shawl adventure is the Freya Shawl by Renate Haeckler

I actually finished knitting this one back in June.  It took a while for me to block though because of its unusual shape.  Other knitters' shawls came out as a semi-circle.  The best way I can think to describe mine is a Millennium Falcon.

I really like the deep purple of this yarn.  It looks very royal.  Tony likes it too.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Vacation thrifting

I went thrifting with sis while I was back in Ohio last month. We found not one...not two...not three...but FOUR cashmere sweaters. A pretty great find, especially for the middle of summer! They're all beautiful pastels.  I can't wait to unravel and knit up these beautiful yarns.